Questions about processing traffic?
See Video below:

Processing Insertion Orders
In Three Easy Steps
#1) Visit
and click the "Traffic" tab to login and enter your username and password:
These login credentials were programmed in to match your email address as the default Username and Password--the email address you furnished to RFN when your station signed up. If you can't login, please try to reset the password using the "Reset" button. If you still can't login, I'll reset it. Please call me or
Email me at [email protected]
#3) Once you login, click "Station View."
You will notice (4) hyperlinks:
- Process Affidavits
- Process insertion orders
- Set Pre-designations
- Download feeds
#4) Click on "Process Insertion Orders."
Displayed will be agreed upon amount of bartered spots are day-parted for each day of the week. To download the spot, click the hyperlinked name of spot in the middle of your traffic page. Download it into your automation; everything from there on should be self explanatory. If you have the latest version of Radio Spider you can actually download the spots as well as traffic orders into your logs by clicking:
"Download this week's Insertion Schedule as a Spreadsheet"

Processing Affidavits in Five Seconds
Your spot pledge times should match the previous week's insertion order. If you ran the spots, simply press the button at the bottom of the page" "Verify." That's it! No printing and taking time to send in affidavit reports. If you click, it's in our database.
Please note: If you are signed in as yourself; if your email is the one you you use to login, you're name will appear on our clients' Proof of Performance affidavit reports. If you are using an email originally set up for a previous employee, that person's name will appear as the person verifying that the spots ran on your station. Please email me to have this chaned.

Special Notes About Traffic
- Please login every week. Logging in tells our software that you have initiated the processing of traffic orders. If you miss a week or two, please email me. Through our software I can easily schedule make-goods that will appear on traffic orders over the next several weeks. In other words, we'll handle it on our end.
- It is important to use your personal login. The affidavit you are processing will display your name as the actual person attesting to the accuracy of when the spots ran. If you use another login for someone who no longer works for the station, our clients will be receiving affidavits from that person's login. If we do not know about this change in personnel, we look bad and run the risk of clients questioning our affidavit process.
- Most orders change weekly. Do not assume the traffic orders are the same every week.
- Multiple station clusters with different formats may have different schedules for each station.
- Affidavits---Based on the pledge times you agreed to run the spots, the list of spots you should have run for that week will be displayed as one list--- The boxes should be pre-checked for your convenience.
- Didn't run every spot you pledged in a week? When processing affidavits---If you uncheck a box because you did not run a spot, (or spots) the affidavit will not process. Please email me and let me know which spot you missed, and I'll reply with simple instructions.
- Please try to process affidavits weekly, as we have new clients and agencies who are scheduling buys that will require weekly affidavits.